When you are having problems with an HVAC in Nashville, you will eventually have to decide if you want to repair or completely replace your air conditioner. There are benefits and drawbacks to both decisions
The cost of repair is often less expensive in the near term, but continued repairs and lessened efficiency will eventually make it a better idea to replace an AC rather than repairing it.
Here are some of these considerations you should take into account if you are experiencing issues with your HVAC.
Indicators that It is Time to Replace an AC
Air conditioners are designed to work well for many years, often between 10 and 20. But like any machine, they will eventually break completely and need to be replaced. To help you decide if it is the right time to replace your air conditioner, consider:
- Age of the Unit – If your air conditioner is approaching its expected end of life, you can expect to need a full replacement shortly even if you have not had many extensive issues to date. Regular maintenance tuneups on an AC can keep it working well up until 10 years and beyond. But after that point, it is often worth choosing to replace rather than repair.
- Increasingly Frequent Repairs – If you seem to be always repairing your AC as it ages or due to damage it experienced in the past, the cost of those repairs can quickly add up to be more than the cost of a new AC that works reliably. Instead of continuing to invest in repairs, it might be time to replace the unit altogether.
- Inefficient ACs – As they age, an AC unit will naturally drop in efficiency. This requires more effort by the system and more energy costs for you to keep your home comfortably cool. Newer ACs are also built more efficiently than older ones and the cost of AC replacement in Nashville could quickly be offset by your energy savings.
- AC is Using Freon – In the past, ACs used Freon as a refrigerant. This chemical has been phased out by the federal government, making it more costly to repair and maintain these units. Switching now to a unit that relies on more modern refrigerant can save you from future costs.
As a general guideline, many HVAC companies suggest that it makes more sense to replace an HVAC unit then to repair it when the cost of repairs is more than half the cost of the replacement.
At Lewis Comfort Control, we know that the decision can be far more nuanced than that. That is why our team is here for you throughout the entire process. When you need repairs or are considering replacement, we can discuss the available options with you and help you determine what fits best within your budget. Call our team to learn more about our HVAC repair and replacement services.